Any tech based site that has fooled us today is up for submissionIfixit will Fax you their tech documentsCERN Confirms existence of the forceGoogle unveils PandaGoogle unveils SmartboxGoogle releases Pacman for Google Maps and IngressGoogle Fiber announces Dialup modeGoogle Actual Cloud Platform, the world’s first public cloud running on servers in the troposphere.Google Chrome SelfieMotorola releases SelfieSticksT Mobile announces pets unleashedSamsung unveils Galaxy Edge BladeHonda Selfie Car/r/Android replaces Android with Apple/r/Technology replaces logo and submissions with ComcastGame Company'sWarthunder replaces tanks with MechsStarcitizen replaces their ships with Fish types via 
April Fools Thread [Updating throughout the day]
Submitted April 01, 2015 at 08:15PM by f00d4tehg0dz
Sponsored by Easter Sunday 2015 SMS, Qutoes, Greetings and Wishes and Google News

April Fools Thread [Updating throughout the day]
Any tech based site that has fooled us today is up for submission
- Ifixit will Fax you their tech documents
- CERN Confirms existence of the force
- Google unveils Panda
- Google unveils Smartbox
- Google releases Pacman for Google Maps and Ingress
- Google Fiber announces Dialup mode
- Google Actual Cloud Platform, the world’s first public cloud running on servers in the troposphere.
- Google Chrome Selfie
- Motorola releases SelfieSticks
- T Mobile announces pets unleashed
- Samsung unveils Galaxy Edge Blade
- Honda Selfie Car
- /r/Android replaces Android with Apple
- /r/Technology replaces logo and submissions with Comcast
Game Company's
Submitted April 01, 2015 at 08:15PM by f00d4tehg0dz
Sponsored by Easter Sunday 2015 SMS, Qutoes, Greetings and Wishes and Google News
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